Sunday, May 22, 2011

How it started...

We weren't always a family that was very careful. We didn't treat each other well. (well, as parents we didn't treat each other well). We didn't watch our money carefully. We weren't very good about waiting for much of anything. Sadly, it took a meteor hitting our life to bring us to our senses. We went from being a two income family, to a one income family in about 15minutes. We had about $500 in savings and about $50,000 in credit card debt. We had two car payments, a house payment, and not a clue. I write these numbers and can feel the shame of it all. What were we thinking?
This blog is about how we got, and are still getting, back on track. This is about learning humility and finding new strengths we never knew we had. This experience has brought us closer together as a family and really put us on a path to true happiness. I hope that I can help someone else who is where we were and in some cases still are.

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