Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Dollar Stores... Why go?

We have all shopped dollar stores at one time or another.  I used to go in there to buy little toys or cheap plastic bins.  I have now started to really look at dollar stores and how they can help us to stay on budget.  As part of my plan, I have been trying to become an educated consumer.  I have started to watch pricess for items that we use regularly so I know when I come across a deal.  Now I try to go by the dollar store before I go to the grocery store to see if there are any items there that I can cross off my list.  For example we drink a lot of Chrystal Light, it has replaced sodas in our house.  I can buy the Wyler's brand for a dollar at the Dollar Tree.  This is better than half price.  On the other hand, we have learned that the big tub of cheese puffs is not a good exchange for Cheetos.  When we can save on one thing, it helps make buying the name brand a little easier on the another.
A dollar store is also a great place to offer a treat to your kids.  Sure you can pick out anything you want!  They are usually fairly seasonal, so in the summer we end up with floaties and bubbles, at Halloween a book or stickers.. you get it.

On the negative.. I do not like Dollar General.  I feel like they lure you in with the whole "dollar" thing but stuff in there is expensive!  I went this morning to pick up a few sand toys and thought, well I'll take a few minutes to look around.  They had Capri Suns (a big win at our house) covered in sale labels priced at 2 for $4.  Uhm.. they are $1.73 at WalMart EVERYDAY.  So be wary about Dollar General.  I prefer the stores that only $1 to find my super deals in.  Dollar Tree is usually clean and the people are pleasant.


  1. I'm with you. I don't like Dollar General for the same reason. I don't shop the dollar stores often, probably once every 2-3 weeks. I like to stock up on cleaning supplies there. "Awesome" is a cleaner that I get there. It's the best thing I've found for cleaning greasy build up on kitchen appliances.

  2. The problem I have is that the grocery store in our little town went out of business when they made our local Walmart a super store. So Dollar General replaced the grocery store. That is where everyone goes to pick up those quick trip items. Just the other day, butter was $4.99 a lb. there and at Save-A-lot it was $2.75! I have two Dollar General nearby in little towns so I do use them. I do what you do though, check there then go the grocery store.

  3. Don't forget to check couponmom.com. She has done a wonderful job of organizing a very easy to follow system of matching coupons, which you can print from her site, to the weekly sale ads. I have done very well by saving 60% to at times 99% on regular household items. I'm not exactly a "hoarder" yet, but the thought has crossed my mind. I do have a stockpile of toothpaste, deodorant, shampoos, juice, cambell's soups....etc that I saved a fortune on doing that. And, the beauty is that you don't have to do it very often. CVS is also a wonderful place to hit up with coupons and then using their buck rewards. $big savings$!


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